Yoga, Breath and Somatic Dialogue with Katrin Köhler

„We are what we think. All we are is created by our thoughts. With our thoughts we create the world.“

Buddha Siddhatha Gautama

One-to-one Yoga lessons are tailored to your own individual needs and conditions. Therefore private lessons are recommended for anyone:


  • who wants to develop an individual program of exercises to deepen their own practise at home.
  • who cannot or does not want to take part in a group, because they have special physiological or psychological conditions. This could be after or during a serious illess or  challenging period of life owing to difficult life experiences. Yoga- and breathing exercises (Pranayama) can help us to accept and to process these events and we can find inner calmness and peace again.
  • who wants to deepen their own spiritual and personal developement with the help of pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation.


Individual lessons take place at Jirečkova 17, Prague 7.
The price for a session of 75 min is 1200.- CZK
Please arrange dates by e-mail or phone.

Web: Steffen Böhme 2023 - Foto: © Štěpánka Havlíková