Yoga, Breath and Somatic Dialogue with Katrin Köhler

Movement into silence

Silence in the movement

New block of classes April – June 2025

Current classes in Prague

– New Class –

Thursdays 19:45 – 21:15


Ekoškolka Rozárka, Letohradká 761/62, Prague 7

Somatic Journey

New term starting from 26.02.2025

Regular class in Prague

There are still places available!

Workshop Somatic Dialogue for Couples 24.5.2025

in Prague

Intensive Yoga Weekend 13.-15.06.2025

in the Habřina rectory


About me

I originally come from northern Germany, between Hamburg and Denmark. Following a serious car accident in 1982, I started practising yoga. It helped me to continue my life without pain or restrictions, and I quickly regained my physical condition. In 1994 I completed a 4-year yoga teacher training in Freiburg, Germany (600 hours). I continued to work at the same yoga school from 1994 to 1997 in the management team before moving to Prague, Czech Republic in 1997.

Since then (and for more than 30 years) I have been offering yoga classes to beginners and advanced practitioners. Also courses for pregnant women, mothers after birth and children’s acrobatics were included. 
From 2006 to 2009 I attended a further education programme on “Pranayama and Meditation” with Dr. Shrikrishna for yogateachers in Germany. Dr. Shrikrishna is the former director of the Kaivalyadhama Institute and Yoga Hospital in Mumbai, India.
To this day, I regularly attend training seminars with Dr. Shrikrishna.

In February 2023 I completed a Somatik Diyalog® facilitator program with Berrak Yedek in Prague.
I still  continue to attend further education seminars by Berrak on a regular basis.


Classes, Workshops, Individual lessons

Somatic Dialogue

Individual lessons, Classes, Workshops

Web: Steffen Böhme 2023 - Foto: © Štěpánka Havlíková, Pavel Ovsík